Tutorial Category: Themes

  • Why I choose to use the Blocksy WordPress theme

    Why I choose to use the Blocksy WordPress theme

    I have for a few years been looking for a WordPress theme that could replace Genesis Framework as well as the retired Beans Framework which I have been using. A year ago I came across Blocksy theme which offers features that I need. Why I use the WordPress Blocksy theme. Introduction: Customize settings Blocksy WordPress…

  • Customizing comments section in WordPress

    Customizing comments section in WordPress

    The following tutorial was originally created years ago. I decided to add on Full Site Editing to where we can modify the comments through the Comments block and associated inner blocks. Using the Comments block in Full Site Editing themes.Customizing comments in the Genesis framework. We now have a Comments block and inner blocks that…

  • Customizing Altitude Pro Genesis child theme

    Customizing Altitude Pro Genesis child theme

    Altitude Pro is an older Genesis one page child theme which uses widgets to create sections on a page. A section can contain a background image and various content. With the current WordPress technology using the Block Editor (Gutenberg) there is now a simpler way of creating a one page theme. Using the top menu…

  • Automatic update of WordPress and themes

    Automatic update of WordPress and themes

    In WordPress 5.6 and onward we are able to update WordPress core, translations, plugins and themes through the Automatic update in WordPress. Here is an example from the Installed plugins screen. Auto-update plugin Bulk actions.Select multiple plugins and click “Bulk actions” to select to Enable/Disable auto-updates for many plugins at once. Auto-update theme To auto…

  • Creating a child theme

    Creating a child theme

    I will show how to create a child theme and why we use it. We mainly create a child theme to avoid the theme being overwritten when the parent theme is updated.I will be using information from the WordPress Theme Handbook Child themes section. The Parent theme A parent theme contains all the required WordPress…

  • Themify me WordPress themes

    Themify me WordPress themes

    I might update this tutorial showing newer Themify themes. Older tutorial. Originally from 2 March 2013. Updated 8 January 2016. Below here are many video tutorials that will help you get to know WordPress. I am using a free theme from Themify called Basic. It is a good starter theme and it has a good…

  • Genesis child themes overview

    Genesis child themes overview

    I looked at the various Genesis Child Themes and was curious about the features of each. Original post was published 30 June – 2016. The following is an overview. I have listed the latest updates seen in the Downloads page at the time of this writing 29 August 2022.

  • Genesis adding a full width image behind the title

    Genesis adding a full width image behind the title

    The result should look something like the below. Full width image behind the post and page titlesI have looked at how Showcase Pro a Genesis Child theme that has added a full width featured image behind the title.Then copied the procedure to my own custom Altitude Pro Genesis child theme. One should be able to…

  • Creating a sticky footer in a Genesis child theme

    Creating a sticky footer in a Genesis child theme

    Genesis themes have an unique way to add a sticky / fixed footer. If your using a theme that is not a Genesis theme then check out my tutorial: Creating a footer that sticks to the bottom. Sticky is actually something that sticks to a location on the page. For instance a sticky header would…

  • The themify Parallax theme

    The themify Parallax theme

    The Themify Parallax theme and how I am using it From the older tutorial originally published 15 July 2014. Updated 9 April 2017.I might also update this tutorial again. Themify.me Parallax theme. Understanding the structure. Express version: Part 1. Create a section category. For instance Front.Create a front page/welcome page etc. Scroll to the bottom Select Query…

  • Unofficial Genesis child themes

    Unofficial Genesis child themes

    The following is a list of Genesis Child themes not listed at the StudioPress Genesis Child themes. Free Genesis Child themes A Collection of Resources listing a lot of Child Themes for Genesis DesignersUse the filter to find the free themes. A Github search for Genesis child https://github.com/neilgee/genesischild Ludwig, Constance and Leif Erikson (a mix of free…

  • Adding breadcrumbs to a Genesis child theme

    Adding breadcrumbs to a Genesis child theme

    How I added breadcrumbs to this site. There are a lot of really good resources to find when creating a web site with using a Genesis WordPress theme. The following is the code and sites I followed to create the breadcrumbs that I use on this site. Here is code that I added to the…

  • Customizing a Genesis child theme

    Customizing a Genesis child theme

    I decided to download the Genesis Metro Child theme. Took a copy of the full folder.I renamed the copied folder to Custom and the Theme Name information seen inside the top area of the style.css file to Custom. Then adjusted other information as well. The style.css file. The functions.php file I changed. Resources: https://coolestguidesontheplanet.com/creating-wordpress-child-theme-genesis-framework/ https://my.studiopress.com/documentation/tutorials/general/build-a-child-theme/…

  • Additional widget areas for Genesis themes

    Additional widget areas for Genesis themes

    This tutorial contains lots of widget areas that can be used in Genesis child themes. One of the reasons why I use Genesis themes is all the information that is available on how to use it.StudioPress Genesis Child themes To add a widget area to any theme you need to know the areas you can…

  • Using Advanced Custom Fields

    Using Advanced Custom Fields

    How to use and display Advanced Custom Fields in a Genesis theme. This is a somewhat technical tutorial on how to use Advanced custom fields. I keep text to a minimum. Creating custom fields for your custom post type.In my first tutorial I made a movie custom post type.Since I am still at the experimental stage…

  • Customizing the blog previews and posts page of a Genesis child theme

    Customizing the blog previews and posts page of a Genesis child theme

    These are specific for the Genesis Framework – StudioPress Themes for WordPress. Add PHP code to the child theme functions.php file or a code snippet plugin. Change the [Read more…] text to something else. Go to Genesis -> Theme Settings -> Content Archives. Adjust Display to show Entry content and limit content to a certain amount of…

  • Plugins for the Genesis framework

    Plugins for the Genesis framework

    A few Plugins for the Genesis Framework An oldie Genesis Simple Comments Plugin  by Nick the Geek. Genesis Simple Edits Plugin The Settings page for Simple Edits. I am wondering if it will be added in some way directly into Genesis Framework Core Settings page…. Genesis Simple Hooks Plugin An interesting plugin which has been downloaded many times…

  • Starting out with Genesis themes

    Starting out with Genesis themes

    have seen so many positive comments at various web sites about Genesis themes so I decided to try it out. Purchasing the Genesis Framework one gets two things:– The Framework– and a simple child theme. One can of course purchase other child themes from Genesis. I made an overview of these: Genesis child theme list by date of…

  • WordPress Page Templates

    WordPress Page Templates

    A Page template is a way to style a page in an unique way to create another type of style that is different from other pages. It is located to the right of the content creation area of a page (new/edit page area). One has to have a minimum of one template available for the…

  • Custom post types used in Genesis child themes

    Custom post types used in Genesis child themes

    Code used in Minimum Pro and Executive Pro StudioPress have two Child Themes that contain custom post types: Minimum Pro and Executive Pro. Minimum Pro Demo Minimum Portfolio Post typeThe first code contains the custom portfolio post type added to the Minimum Pro child theme functions.php file. Adding the code to your own child theme functions…