Tutorial Category: Trouble Shooting

  • One solution to be able to send out emails from your web site

    One solution to be able to send out emails from your web site

    Having problems sending and or receiving emails from a web site? I had trouble sending emails from some client sites after a major change at the Norwegian web host ProISP. If you happen to be using ProISP then also check this guide. Sende epost fra webhotell / nettsider vha. API The below information should be…

  • Fixing fatal errors in WordPress

    Fixing fatal errors in WordPress

    A moment ago a client web site was down. Showing only a white screen with a 500 Internal Server error text. Seeing a white screen with an error message can be very stressful. I searched for Internal Server Error 500 and came across a site that gave me advice on how to fix it. I…

  • Suggestions on how to fix plugin, themes and fatal errors in WordPress.

    Suggestions on how to fix plugin, themes and fatal errors in WordPress.

    Sometimes plugins or themes updates fail and one is left with a non working web site. What is also called a fatal error. There are multiple approaches to try out to figure out where the problem is located. 1- Is there an error message? If so copy the message and make a search and see…

  • Editing the wp-config file and debugging in WordPress.

    Editing the wp-config file and debugging in WordPress.

    The WordPress configuration file is located in the root of your WordPress file directory and contains the website’s base configuration details, such as database connection information. All code is to be added above the: /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ Debugging in WordPress. Here is an example on debugging code. WP DEBUG true…