
How to add Facebook comments alongside WordPress comments.

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The default WordPress comments might look something like this:

The comments area inside the default theme Twenty Twenty in WordPress.
The comments area inside the default theme Twenty Twenty in WordPress.

Let’s say you instead want to give an option for the user to post comments using Facebook.
To do so one needs to add a plugin. I came across to which I tested.
https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-facebook-comments/ and https://wordpress.org/plugins/comments-from-facebook/

As I planned to use the plugin for a Norwegian site I discovered that Comments from FacebookWpDevArt Social comments has a field to where I could choose which language pack to use.

I noticed that after having installing and activating Wpdevart Social comments that a new FB comments showed up on the left WordPress sidebar.

Wpdevart Social comments plugin settings.
Wpdevart Social comments plugin settings.

Login to your account or create a new account here:

Go to my Apps. Then Add a New App.

Create a New App with Facebook Developer.
Create a New App with Facebook Developer.

After having created the App. The next screen will show various Add a Product options.

Facebook for Developers.
Facebook for Developers.

I took the App ID (be sure to add your own App ID) and I pasted into the first option inside the plugin Comment settings. I then went through and adjusted the various options I wanted to change. Clicked Save and then checked one of the posts.

Facebook Comments in WordPress.

As you can see above with what I typed. Click into the box and the option to click the checkbox Also post on Facebook shows up.

Turn off default WordPress comments.

If you want to turn off default WordPress comments. That can be done by going to Settings -> Discussion -> uncheck: Allow people to submit comments on new posts 


WP Social Comments
Social comments by WpDevArt
WordPress Social Comments Plugin for Vkontakte Comments and Disqus Comments


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